Custom Painted Fugitoid

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While tinkering with an unstable mental device, the infamous Dr. Honeycutt transferred his brain to his android servant - making him the world's first and most sought after servo-scientist. Now a hunted hybrid humanoid, Honeycutt's on the run. Officially classified as a Fugitoid, he bumped into the Turtles while trying to escape through a transdimensional portal and returned with them to Earth.
Loyal to the end, Fugitoid assists the Turtles in developing new devices. He's particularly fond of Donatello's ingenuity. Fugitoid is skilled in many languages - from conversational cockroach to Mongolian mumble - but he's best used as a super-scout for the Turtles. Armed with his grappling claw and skeletal servo-scanner, Fugitoid can get himself into unusual places. He's an endless source of data, details and other dehumanized delights. Fugitoid. A good guy to run around with.

All of my custom painted vintage figures are intended for collectors. They are not meant to be played with. Each one is primed in black, then painted with acrylics and sealed. In most cases the weapons have been sealed within their hands and in some cases moving parts have been stabilized to help the figures stand. Please feel free to ask questions.

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